Sunday, April 5, 2009

Six months on - Life destroyed by the UK Government

I had been writing the details of the what happening after the UK Government (Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling and Ian Pearson) forced the collapse of the IoM bank my families entire money was with.

Due to personal circumstances I've not been able to get online much to detail the events since October 2008.

Summary is that Penny and the kids went back to the UK at the end of November. We had to leave the house we were renting as money ran out and we could no longer pay. My visa had the money taken as one of its requirements. As such, i couldn't work legally in Australia and - rightfully - not eligible to any social safety net. I stayed in in Australia with the hope that the UK Government would realise its mistake and get the money returned to the Isle of Man Kaupthing bank quickly.

I found myself on the streets; getting food from the Salvos and sleeping some nights at the St Vincents shelters.

As the nights started to get cooler and i found myself being cold dossing down under the stars. I moved north to the Brisbane area (thanks to Lorry drivers needing company on long journeys) and have been there ever since.

After Christmas, depression started to raise its ugly head and since then I have felt myself on a steady downward spiral.

Now, as the 6-month aniversary of the disaster looms and i see the UK Government still doesnt give two hoots about us British Citizens I am numb. Whenever i wake up i feel disapointment, lethagy and an overwhelming sadness. I'm not stupid, I know full well that this is full-blown clinical depression and I'm scared. My kids have told my wife they dont want me back and i see no point in continuing with torturing myself.

I sit here in an Internet cafe (I make a few dollars washing car windscreens at traffic lights) reading the news that the IoM Government still have not got a clue what to do and the crass disregard by the UK Government about how their actions have affected people they claim to have 'saved'. It is just so unfair. I had to put all my familes money offshore as the UK banks forcibly closed my accounts when i tried to change my address to Australia, no bank would let me open an account with them without a UK address and then Alistair Darling took the £557Million his Financial Services Authority told the IoM Kaupthing bank to put in the UK.

Part of a happy, hard working and close-knit family; i am now alone, on the streets and with no future. One or two UK MP's have tried to make the Government see sense but most dont give a damn. It is a scandal of mamoth proportions yet even the UK press couldnt give a damn - maybe it is because there are no spectactular pictures or maybe its because they dont realise the extent of the tragedy. I just dont know.

I just want the pain to end. There is no hope anymore. The UK Government and Brown, Darling and the rest of the idiots are just murdering, lying thieves. And the UK public dont give a damn.


  1. Mate, get in contact please. No good news, but just want to check yer OK. You know who this is.

  2. Jeez mate, i dont think anyone back in blighty knows what has been happening. certainly been nothing on the news about it. really hope you are ok. the isle of man put out a new compensation plan a while back but it looks like it is just same same. dunno why the gov wont give the money back, just doesnt make sense mate

  3. Have you not received the £10,000 released lately by the IoM's early payment scheme? This would buy you a ticket to the UK and you could get help with benefits. conned along with you.

    signed: conned


Others caught up in this tragedy may want to comment. Please feel free;