Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The weekend and Monday didnt bring any promising news. The IoM and UK Governments were firmly sticking their heads deep in the sand and i was obvious that this would not be quickly resolved.

I phoned Ozforex, fighting to keep back from breakdown on the phone, explained the situation (to which the person on the other end said he was aware of thankgoodness) and said that I would have to 'close-out'. He agreed and said that Ozforex would do the reverse exchange; I had a terrifying 20 minutes waiting on the phone - I could be liable for thousands of pounds here, it was just sheer terror. He came back to me, luckily for me the pound had fallen again and Ozforex were able to exchange back with no loss. I thanked the guy, hung up and just broke down uncontrollably.

That was the first time my wife or kids had ever seen my cry. Both kids joined in the wail, but Penny was able to keep it together. What the hell was happening? The family was falling apart and there was absolutely nothing I could do. I have never been a control-freak but always liked to think I could help bad situations. But this was so very different; I had got us into this mess and couldnt do anything to help. Yet again I had to run to the loo and be physically sick.

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